Technology and Your Financial Future


Technology is great, right? But have you thought about the actual impact it could have on our future? According to a recent article by US News and World Report, the impact could be mind-blowing.

“. . . the impact of exponential technologies is going to affect every aspect of our lives, with huge implications for our personal finances. Nanotechnology, biotechnology, bioinformatics, 3-D printing are all having a tremendous impact on life expectancy and quality of life. Now, according to the American Society of Actuaries, life expectancy is 88, but over the next 15 years, life expectancy is likely to rise to 110, 120 [years old].”


The article goes on to explain what exactly that means, and how it affects our lives…and our futures.

To read the full article, and learn how you could prepare for a sixty-year retirement, visit the US News site here.

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